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Friday, April 15, 2011

Early Morning Thunder Saturday

If you sleep in on Saturday April 16th and are woken to the sounds of distant thunder, don't be alarmed, its really the sound of approximately 400 motorcycles making their way through town stopping off at the Sports Pub for their poker card and libations before they continue on tho their next destination for yet another poker card.

On April 16, The Bobby Rapp Memorial Scholarship Poker Run will be taking place. This event has been hosted for the last three years by the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 391 MC Riders Group.

The proceeds from this event will go to five high school seniors as scholarships in Sgt. Bobby Rapp's honor.

"3rd Annual Sgt. Bobby Rapp Memorial Scholarship Poker Run will be held to honor a local Hero killed in Afganistan. Sgt. Rapp was an active member of his community and a great scholar athlete. The Motorcycle Riders Group of the Sonora Chapter 391 of The Vietnam Veterans of America are honoring him with 5 Scholarships to the High Schools in the Sonora Area for the 3rd consecutive year." Leanin Al.

For more info on the VV391 Motorcycle Group click HERE

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