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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BOS Meeting Summary 4-12-11 Re: FEMA Flood Zones

Supervisor Tofanelli commented on the FEMA meeting in Sacramento that had been mentioned earlier today during Public Comment. He explained that Bob Ayler, an aide in the office of Dan Lungren, had visited Calaveras County in March and had spoken with Supervisor Tofanelli about the flooding concerns, maps and hydrology study associated with Cosgrove Creek. Information had been requested to be given to FEMA and the Corps of Engineers for modeling purposes, which had not materialized.
Supervisor Tofanelli asked Mr. Ayler to facilitate a meeting between himself, Congressman Lungren and FEMA to discuss the maps. Mr. Ayler wanted to include Supervisor Callaway; however, she was not available. Mr. Ayler then asked if Supervisor Spellman would be available to attend. Subsequently, Supervisors Tofanelli, Spellman and Callaway attended the meeting, all speaking on behalf of the concerns specific to their districts and the County as a whole.
The representatives from FEMA admitted that the maps they had created were flawed and that the information provided at that meeting will help in future modeling of the area. FEMA will also utilize a Light Detection and Ranging(LIDAR)system that will be performed by flying over the area in the Fall, when foliage is at a minimum, to photograph and document the areas of concern and update their maps.
He concluded his report stating that he felt the meeting was a good opportunity to have the concerns of our County be heard by FEMA. Supervisor Spellman expressed his disappointment when learning that Tulloch is a reservoir that has its water levels controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation and will not be included in any flood discussions, although the residents there are required to carry flood insurance.
Supervisor Wilensky added that sometimes small counties, such as ours, have a difficult time developing relationships with large, federal agencies and thanked Supervisor Tofanelli for being open to the opportunity to foster the conversation and education process that resulted from this meeting.
Joe Kelly, Copperopolis, stated that he had previously provided a map of his property and the survey results documenting an illegal raised road bed that was never used and will be misconstrued because of the environmental degradation due to erosion since that time.
Peter Racz, Valley Springs, commented that he appreciates that FEMA is addressing the flood issues in Calaveras County and feels that DFG, FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers should get together for further discussions.

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