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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Notice of Bid- County of Calaveras Adult Detention Facility

This advertisement serves as notice for the County of Calaveras Adult Detention Facility and Sheriff’s Administration Building project in San Andreas, CA. The scope of work to be contained within this project generally includes the construction of three new buildings along with the associated on-site and off-site improvements. On-site work generally includes construction of site grading, utility infrastructure, parking, roadways, sidewalks, fencing, landscaping and other improvements of the approximately 11.47 acre building site. Off-site improvements generally include construction of a new access roadway, existing roadway improvements and off-site utility improvements required for the project. Building construction generally consists of:
1.      A new 41,485 square foot Sheriff’s Administration Building (Type II-B, Essential Services Facility).
2.      A new 76,537 square foot Adult Detention Facility (Type I-B).
3.      A new 12,035 square foot Dormitory Building (Type I-B).

Sealed Bids for the project may be submitted by Pre-Qualified General Contractors (see approved list on County website at http://co.calaveras.ca.us/cc/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=a3FeetpFU4k%3d&tabid=480&mid=1740) and  will be accepted by the County Administrative Officer of the County of Calaveras, State of California, in the County Administrative Office, Legal Building of the County Government Center, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA, 95249 no later than 2:00 p.m., on March 31, 2011.

The estimated cost for the Total Base Bid for this work is $45,800,000. Bid, payment and performance bonds and insurance documents will be required as per the specifications. Prevailing wage rates will apply. The Contract Time for the completion of all the Work of the Project is 610 consecutive calendar days from the date specified in the Notice-to-Proceed for Construction.
A Pre-Bid Conference/site visit will be held Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 2:00 PM in the Cheseborough Room of the Calaveras County Library building located at 1299 Gold Hunter Rd., San Andreas, California 95249.  Attendance by the Bidder at the Pre-Bid Conference is mandatory for the Bidder to be allowed to submit a Bid for this Project.
Additionally, a Local Contractor Workshop will be held on Thursday, March 17, 2011 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Cheseborough Room in the Calaveras County Library located at 1299 Gold Hunter Rd., San Andreas, CA. The purpose of this Workshop is to provide an opportunity for local Calaveras County vendors, suppliers and contractors to meet the Pre-Qualified General Contractors that are bidding on the project and to provide the Pre-Approved General Contractors an opportunity to facilitate and encourage local participation in the project.  Attendance by the Bidder at the Pre-Bid conference is mandatory for the Bidder to be allowed to submit a Bid for this Project.
Bidders may obtain copies of the Bid Documents from Brownie’s Digital Imaging, 1322 V. Street, Sacramento, CA 95818, (916) 443-1322.
The County has hired Kitchell CEM to act as the Project/Construction Manager for this Project. The Project Manager for this project is Doug Evans at phone number 209-754-6788 and e-mail devans@kitchell.com.
Contractor must submit all requests for clarification, or interpretation of the Bid Documents in writing at least ten (10) calendar days before the deadline for receipt of Bids. All requests for clarification or interpretation shall be sent to Jeremy Judd, Kitchell Sr. Project Engineer at jjudd@kitchell.com, (209) 754-2834. The Owner’s Authorized Representative may issue written Addenda as appropriate for clarification or other reasons during the bidding period. Addenda will be e-mailed, mailed or delivered to each plan holder included on the Owner’s Plan Holders List for the Project. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to confirm with the Owner’s Project Manager that its name and correct contact information is included on the Owner’s Plan Holders List.

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