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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

News Release from Calaveras County Public Health Dept

Calaveras County Public Health Department
News Release

Date:         March 2, 2011
Contact:   Dean Kelaita, M.D., Health Officer
                  Colleen A. Tracy, Health Services Agency Director
Phone:     754-6460
Fax:          754-1709
[San Andreas, CA – Public Health Department]

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Continues in
Calaveras County – Vaccination Urged

The Calaveras County Public Health Department reported today that three cases of pertussis have been reported in County residents during 2011.  The cases include a two month old infant in the Angels Camp area who has been hospitalized and two school aged youth in the Valley Springs – Burson area. 
Pertussis is a serious respiratory infection caused by a bacteria.  Whooping cough spreads easily from person to person when an infected person coughs or sneezes.  It is preventable by vaccination.  Pertussis starts as a cold-like illness with a cough that gradually becomes more severe.  Severe coughing usually lasts several weeks.  Pertussis is treated with antibiotics.  The Public Health Department advises persons with symptoms of pertussis to contact their doctor or clinic right away.
Pertussis is a very serious disease for young infants who may require hospitalization and in some cases results in death.  There were ten infant deaths from pertussis in California during 2010.  There were nine cases of pertussis in Calaveras County in 2010.
“Protecting babies under six months who are either too young to receive the vaccine or are not fully protected until the vaccine series is completed is a major goal of vaccine campaigns,” said Dr. Dean Kelaita, County Health Officer.  Protection starts with immunizing those who live with and care for infants.

In response to record levels of pertussis in California during 2010, a new school immunization law was passed for secondary school students.  All students entering 7th – 12th grades in the 2011-2012 school year must have a pertussis vaccine booster before starting school.  The booster is needed to continue protection for youth who can spread the infection to infants and others at higher risk for complications.  The law requires proof of one dose of Tdap or pertussis containing vaccine on or after the 7th birthday.

“The continued occurrence of pertussis in Calaveras County during 2011 is a call to parents to get their kids vaccinated,” Dr. Kelaita declared.  The Calaveras County Public Health Department offers vaccination for infants, children, youth and adults at community immunization clinics.  Upcoming clinics include:
            Date                             Time                                  Location
            March 7, 2011            3:00 to 5:30 pm                Public Health Department    
                                                                                             700 Mountain Ranch Rd, Suite C-2           
                                                                                             San Andreas, CA

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            Date                             Time                                  Location
            March 8, 2011            3:00 to 5:30 pm                Chapel in the Pines,
                                                                                             2286 Cedar Lane, Arnold

            March 10, 2011          8:00 am to Noon              Public Health Department    
                                                                                             700 Mountain Ranch Rd, Suite C-2           
                                                                                             San Andreas, CA

            March 14, 2011          2:00 to 4:30 pm                Veterans’ Hall, West Point

            March 14, 2011          3:00 to 5:30 pm                Public Health Department    
                                                                                             700 Mountain Ranch Rd, Suite C-2           
                                                                                             San Andreas, CA       

            March 15, 2011          3:00 to 5:30 pm                United Methodist Church
                                                                                             135 Laurel, Valley Springs

            March 17, 2011          8:00 am to Noon              Public Health Department    
                                                                                             700 Mountain Ranch Rd, Suite C-2           
                                                                                             San Andreas, CA

No one is denied services due to inability to pay the $16.00 fee. 

Information about pertussis and the clinic schedule is available at

www.calaveraspublichealth.com or by calling the Public Health Department at



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