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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Fire Safety From Your Friends at The Anglican Church of the Ascension

So we’re ready to spray, cut down or pull up all those weeds before the dry season sneaks up on us.  When last we met, we talked about burning as an option to getting rid of fire hazards.  Let’s hone in now on just how much weeding will be expected of us.  According to the (very wise) saying, “Defensible Space is Sensible Space” and California State law, we’re to keep a clearance of at least one hundred feet (100’) around our homes and out buildings.
In discussing this matter over coffee, we’ve realized the topic comes with a complete set of questions.  For example; What if I keep my property clear of weeds but my home is within 60 feet of my neighbor’s property line and his weeds are not being kept under control?  Of course, the neighborly thing to do would be to contact that neighbor and ask him to get cracking on those weeds.  Ah, the property is vacant and the owner lives out of town.  No problem, your home owners’ association should have access to information on how to contact the owner and will send a courtesy letter reminding him (or her) to get those weeds cleared.  Don’t belong to an association?  Try your county tax assessor’s office for the information and send a friendly letter to the property owner.  Okay, what if the owner ignores requests?  Well, far be it from us to suggest creating animosity between neighbors.  Would it be possible to obtain your neighbor’s permission to assist by clearing some of those weeds yourself?  Most offers of kindness don’t go unwelcome or unrewarded.  However, putting safety first, if all attempts have failed, your home owners’ association or Cal Fire may be able to evaluate the situation and, if necessary, have the authority to take action.
Here’s how we hope it plays out:  Work together with your neighbors to make your neighborhood safe.  Then, celebrate with a block party or backyard barbecue.  As long as you and your neighbors are together, begin discussing evacuation plans…..just in case.

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