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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Letter submitted by the Calaveras County Tax Payers Association re:FEMA flood zone

The FEMA Scheme
By David Tunno
At the request of Rancho Calaveras residents Bob and Char Stanton in early January of 2011, I was asked to look into the actions by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in preparation for a meeting with FEMA representative Kathleen Schaefer and others on January 26th at the County offices and to represent the Stanton’s in that meeting.
My investigation of the facts surrounding the Stantons’ example and others in the County revealed what appears to be a massive fraud on the part of FEMA, not just on Calaveras residents, but on potentially millions across the U.S whose properties have been recently placed by FEMA in a flood zone, triggering numerous and costly consequences for those property owners.
The evidence will show that the chance of a flood, even in a 100 years (the standard for flood zone designations), occurring on the Stanton’s property, and those of their neighbors likewise affected, is as close to zero as can be imagined. The question then becomes, how did those properties acquire flood status from FEMA?

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