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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting Old is Just a change of Perspective . . .by, The Copper Curmudgeon

When I was a kid my Grandpa used to say, “You know when you are getting old because you hear the snap, crackle and pop and you haven’t poured the milk on your Rice Krispies yet.” That always struck me as funny because I loved listening to that noise when the milk went on my Rice Krispies. But this was also the same man that carried a flask in his shirt pocket that was for, “Snakebite and moonstroke”.

But then I hit fifty something . . .  and one morning I was walking down the hallway, my left elbow popped, then my right knee snapped and both my feet made bone noises that . . . well I wouldn’t call it a crackle . . . and Grandpa’s saying wasn’t so darn funny anymore . . . just a change of perspective.

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