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Friday, February 25, 2011

Letter from Calaveras County Taxpayers Association ~ By, David Tunno

What’s CalPERS Really Going to Cost Us?
Prompted by the growing awareness of the financial impact of public employee retirement plans, the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association has sought data from the County with which to calculate the growing debt created by those plans and the keeper of those retirement funds, CalPERS. 
Thus far, according to CCTA President Al Segalla, the County’s disclosures have come up far short, including a response CCTA received to a request for information on the CalPERS criteria for determining County retirement contributions. “You are asking for information not documents. The county is in no position to determine the accuracy of information on CalPERS website as it is not maintained by the County, and the County has no legal duty to answer questions under a PRA request.”

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