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Monday, February 28, 2011

Assemblymember Olsen's 2011 Legislative Package (Press Release 2-28-11)

My 2011 Legislative Package
Next to resolving our budget deficit, working to create jobs and reform government should be the top priority of the Legislature this year. I have introduced bills that I believe will help businesses thrive and grow our jobs market, and measures that would bring important reform to the way government operates. I also worked with local governments in my district to identify legislation that would give them more control or flexibility in this difficult economy.
Here are a few bills from my 2011 legislative package that I would like to highlgiht:
~Two-Year Budget Planning: Assembly Constitutional Amendment 8 would provide better long-term budget planning and would prohibit the Legislature from adopting a budget plan that leaves a deficit in the succeeding year without a specified plan for eliminating the deficit.
~Manufacturer Sales Tax Exemption: AB 1057 would provide a sales tax exemption, beginning in 2014, for businesses who purchase manufacturing equipment or new equipment purchased for the purpose of air mitigation.
~Streamlining Process for Roadway Improvements: Assembly Bill 890 streamlines the process for cities and counties to improve road safety by creating a statutory exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for minor roadway improvements.
~ Flexible Work Week: Assembly Bill 830 would allow employers and employees the flexibility of choosing to work 4, 10-hour days or the traditional 8-hour work days. Choosing a flexible work schedule of 4, 10-hour days could give employees 50 additional non-working days per year.
~J-59 Transfer: Assembly Bill 464 would transfer J-59 from a county maintained roadway to a state maintained roadway. Transferring the maintenance to Caltrans while the road is in excellent condition will insure that there is not a financial burden to the state.

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