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Friday, January 14, 2011

Budget Discussions for 11/12 Fiscal Year Continue at CFPD

At Thursday night’s full capacity CFPD Board of Directors meeting the topic again was the budget, primarily the reduction in secured taxes and the increase in expenses.
Chief Cantrell utilized a power point presentation outlining major actions that could be taken in the 11/12 fiscal year to facilitate a balanced budget.
·         Adjust PERS Retirement EPMC from 100% to 50% (currently for any employee that has been with the department for five or more years the District pays 100% of that employees PERS contribution. Those employees are the Chief, the Office Manager, and an Engineer.)
·         Adjust Per Diem Medic Pay to $10/hour (current pay is $12/hour. Per Diem medic is a part time medic , no benefits.)
·         Eliminate the retiree benefit.
·         Adjust the Office Manager hours to 30 hours per week from 40 hours per week.
·         Layoff one Engineer (non-medic) and backfill with the Fire Chief and per diem Medic. (The Chief will not receive overtime for this coverage. He also pointed out that currently all staff are qualified Engineers.)
Director Maness asked the Chief if this plan not only balanced the budget but provided more service to the community. The Chief responded that under this plan the community would be receiving the same fire protection and an increase in Paramedic coverage. “One third of the time the District will be covered with two Paramedics.”
Director Cheney questioned on more than one occasion the reduction of office manager hours. Director Marks pointed to the recent addition of a payroll service and bill paying service through the county teeter program as a reason for feasible reduction in office manager hours. In addition other staff have recently taken over scheduling. Director Maness questioned if there were “other things in your (the office manager) office that can be delegated to other staff.”
Director Cheney questioned if the preliminary plan the Chief had presented would be implemented prior to 11/12 fiscal year. Maness stated that he felt that early implementation would be beneficial. Director Andress concurred, stating that something needed to be done, and soon, (we) “have a responsibility to fulfill our mandate to the public….give them the coverage.” After review and questions, Directors Maness and Marks felt this was a comprehensive plan.
The question of if and when the plan presented by the Chief will be implemented was put off until the next board meeting in February.
Mike Shevlin asked the Chief why he would retain a “top heavy” Captain position and lay off an Engineer. The Chief explained that the Captain, also a Paramedic, is receiving a pay rate of a top step Engineer and that at this time all staff are qualified Engineers.
As an added concern the District is currently facing a costly yet necessary overhaul to their septic system. Taking a proactive stance they applied for, and received, a grant last year from the USDA that is set to expire soon. The grant would assume 15% of the entire cost of modifying their existing structure and repairing their failing septic system. The District has also received approval of a USDA loan for the remainder of the repairs at an interest rate of 3%. Though it was made clear the repair of the septic system is non negotiable, it is necessary to repair, many questioned the validity of modernizing during this budget crunch, but Director Marks stated that “a grant like this will not come our way again.”  At a previous meeting Chief Cantrell pointed out that if the District were to pass on this opportunity it may place a cloud over the District if and when they wish to obtain loans for improvements in the future. When Cantrell asked the Board if he had their permission to move forward with the improvements, the Board responded with a unanimous, “yes.”
By, Charity Maness

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