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Monday, December 27, 2010

Public Notice from Mark Twain Elementary School District

Regarding Waiver for 60-day Extension of School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

The Mark Twain Union Elementary School District will hold a Public Hearing at approximately 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January13, 2011 in the District meeting room at 981 Tuolumne Ave, Angels Camp, CA.

This Public Hearing will be held in regards to Student Accountability Report Card (SARC). School districts are charged with issuing a SARC for each school in the district, and making the SARC available to parents online or in hard copy by February 1 of each year. At the November SBE meeting, the SBE approved the 2010-11 SARC templates and at the same time it was announced that, because of budget and staffing reductions, California Department of Education (CDE) staff would no longer be able to pre-populate the SARC templates with much of the data as in years past. This process change will require school districts and sites to take on additional duties related to manually gathering and inputting the data required for the SARC. Because of the lateness in approving the SARC template and this new process change, districts can request a 60-day extension from the statutorily required posting date of February 1 to ensure that they have sufficient time to complete accurate and up-to-date SARCs for parents and community members. 

The MTUESD Board of Trustees encourages the participation by parents / guardians, teachers, interested community members and bargaining unit leaders in this hearing.

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